This may be the most bizarre blog I've posted thus far but nonetheless I feel it is noteworthy so bare with me. So apparently women in Japan are fearful when walking alone on the streets on Tokyo therefore one woman decided to put a stop to this by designing a type of wearable urban disguise. Aya Tsukioka, a 29 year old Japanese fashion designer, has designed a skirt that when lifted transforms into a vending machine disguise (see picture above). By holding this sheet, that folds to become a makeshift skirt, and raising it above your head you can supposedly 'easily' blend in. This poses some questions in my mind, first being who in the hell would think to design something like this? Secondly, are people in Japan that oblivious that they wouldn't look twice at a felt vending machine (with feet visibly sticking out) placed on a random street? And finally, is Japan really that terrifying of a place that women would really need to use something this stupid as a safety measure...they should really look into mase. Anyways, check out the video below and let me know what YOU think. By the way I feel I should let you know that this isn't the only stupid invention made by the Japanese to ward off creepy people, they also have a "manhole bag" which is a purse that hides your valuables by unfolding to look like a round skewer cover. You lay this purse on the street, with your valuables still inside, and thieves will walk right by mistaking it for a manhole...does that even make sense? Another bright invention is a line of 'knife-proof' school uniforms. High schools in Japan must be pretty hard-core.
OMG thats amazing I never thought Japan was so dangerous. I can't imagine people would be that blind and oblivious not to notice these wacky inventions. Great post!
OMG thats amazing I never thought Japan was so dangerous. I can't imagine people would be that blind and oblivious not to notice these wacky inventions. Great post!
I agree, thanks!
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