When thinking about buying a new cell phone one must always think about the asthetics first and foremost. Cell phone shopping is rapidly becoming more and more like shoe shopping. The right pair of shoes must always be trendy, beautiful and of course way over your price range. Much like the new Tory Burch black suede boots I have my eye on, the iPhone is becoming the hippest and most sought-after cell phone ever made. Many may ask why is that? The answer to this is simple...it makes a statement just like your shoes. Ridiculous as it may be, cell phone companys have finally started thinking smartly about designing phones worthy of the young and hip crowds since they are their main consumers. Designers from Dolce and Gabbana to Prada have come out with cell phones, so it's agreed, if you want to be hip in this new technologically advanced world we live in...get a cool cell phone. I personally use the blackberry pearl, not only because its cute, small, and white...but because of the many features it offers. So don't worry about prices go ahead and get rid of that old flip phone...it's all about the look-nice shoes go hand in hand with a nice cell phone.
Cute blog. It seems ripped from the pages of sex and the city. Particularly when Carrie is freelancing for Vogue and she compares men to bags. Love it!
Thanks so much! I'll keep up the sex and the city vibe.
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